The Sun of Righteousness adapted from PCC Prayer Meeting Exhortationon 15 April 2011. “But unto you that fear my name shall the Sun ofrighteousness arise with healing in his wings; and ye shall go forth, and growup as calves of the stall” (Malachi 4:2). The prophecy of Malachi isone of the most unique and striking books in the Bible. This prophecy is obviouslyunique, first of all, since it is the last book of the Old Testament. Afterthis, there would be 400 years of silence before John the Baptist comes intothe scene to prepare the way for the Messiah. This is even prophesied in thelast chapter of this book. Secondly, this book isunique and striking in the very blunt and forthright language that is used bythe prophet. Though many of the prophets are very stern in their preaching, noone, it appears to me, is as stern and direct as Malachi. Malachi holds nopunches whether he is speaking to the common people or to the priests. Imaginebeing told in your face that you are robbing God. Malachi is unique, thirdly,because the author of this book is probably anonymous. You see, the name‘Malachi’ means ‘my messenger.’ It is very unlikely that it is his proper name,or he would have been called ‘Malachiah’—messenger of Jehovah. Thus, theSeptuagint translates the word ‘by Malachi’ in verse 1 to ‘by the hand of hisangel [or messenger].’ The Jews debated about who this messenger was. Somebelieved he was Ezra the Scribe. Calvin concurs with this view. But otherJewish scholars thought that he was Haggai or Mordecai or someone else. Well, we don’t know. Andperhaps it may be best for us just to call him Malachi, whoever he may be. But while we do not know whoMalachi was exactly, we do know when the prophecy was written. It was preachedand written sometime after the temple was completed for he makes reference tothe sacrifices at the temple (1:10; 3:1-10). Also,since, the crimes that Malachi reproved, such as mixed marriages and theneglect of tithing were exactly the abuses corrected by Nehemiah in his secondreformation, it is very likely that he was preaching in support of Nehemiah’seffort at reforming the church—just as Haggai and Zechariah supportedZerubbabel and Joshua the high priest. Now, there are many promisesin this book. For example, there is the famous promise that if we give ourtithes, the Lord will open the windows of heaven to pour down a blessing beyondour expectation. But for now, the Lordhelping us, we want to consider as part of our study on the great and preciouspromises of God, the great promise and prophecy of Malachi, that closes the OldTestament cannon. I am referring, of course, to the prophecy andpromise of the Sun of Righteousness rising with healing in his wings, which isour text. Let’s consider this promise under three heads: (1) Who is the Sun ofRighteousness? (2) Who does He arise for? (3) What is the result of His rising? 1. Who is the Sun of Righteousness? Well, although Malachi does not explicitly say so, you will not find any Christian commentator, who will dispute that the Sun of Righteousness is any other than Christ. Calvin says: “There is indeed no doubt but that Malachi calls Christ the Sun of Righteousness.”
God would reveal Himself in Christ. Christ is the Word of God. He who has seen Christ has seen the Father. He who has enjoyed the love of Christ has enjoyed the love of God. He is the Sun of Righteousness. But now in our text, we are given the idea that the Sun of Righteousness unlike the G2V star which is our sun, does not rise upon everyone—whether evil or good (Mt 5:45). 2. Who does the Sun of Righteousness Arise for? The LORD says throughMalachi: “But unto you that fear my nameshall the Sun of righteousness arise…” The Sun of Righteousness hasarisen for those who fear the name if the LORD. Who are these? Well, in the first place, itis clear that they are not proud or do wickedly, because those who are proudand do wickedly shall be burned as stubble in the oven (Mal 4:1). Conversely, those who fearthe LORD depart from evil, and are not wise in their own eyes (Prov 3:7). “Thefear of the LORD is to hate evil” says Solomon (Prov 8:13). “Pride, andarrogancy, and the evil way, and the froward mouth, do I hate” he adds. Secondly, and morepositively, those who fear the LORD seek to keep all of God’s commandments andwalk in His ways (Dt 6:2, 13; 8:6). Thirdly, those who fear theLORD swear by His name (Dt 6:13; 10:20). Why is this point important? Thispoint is important because those who fear the LORD recognise that no one andnothing is greater than the LORD. Fourthly, those who fear theLORD, love Him and therefore “serve him in sincerity and in truth” (Jos 24:14).They serve Him with all their heart for their heart is filled with gratitudewhen they consider what great things He has done for them (1 Sam 12:24). Fifthly,and very importantly, we are told that those who fear the LORD have a specialrelationship with the LORD. The Psalmist says: · “The secret of the LORD is with them that fear him;and he will shew them his covenant” (Ps 25:14). · “The LORD is my light and my salvation; whom shall Ifear? the LORD is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid” (Ps27:1). There are many in the world who profess the name of Christ, but truebelievers are those who fear the name of the Lord. They are those who reverenceand love the LORD. They seek to please Him in all their ways. They are afraidof offending Him. They are humble because they know that they deserve nothingbut the wrath of God. They are those who mourn for their sin rather than fightagainst admonishment. They choose obedience rather than convenience. They do not take God’s worship and commandment lightly. They seek toplease God rather than man. They walk gratefully and lovingly before the Lord, seeking to magnifyHis name in all circumstances in their life. These are those who fear the LORD. These are those for whom the Sun ofRighteousness arose. But… 3. What isthe Result of the Sun of Righteousness’ Rising? “But unto you that fear my nameshall the Sun of righteousness arise with healing in his wings; and ye shall goforth, and grow up as calves of the stall” (Mal 4:2) He arose with healing in His wings. The word ‘wings’ here refer to therays of His light. Christ when He arose sent forth the Holy Spirit into thehearts of all who fear the name of the LORD so that the corruption of theirheart is burned away in sanctification. In other words, Christ by His Spiritheals us of our sinfulness by making us more and more like Him. In fact, if youthink about it carefully, though the elect are known as those who fear theLORD, they certainly did not fear the LORD until the Sun of Righteousness couldmelt the heart so that the seed of life could be planted and grow. But take notethat Christ does not leave us as soon as our hearts are quickened. No, no; thefact that He arises with healing in His wings for those who fear the Lord meansthat He continues toshine His healing rays on all who are converted and are walking in the fear ofthe Lord. Those upon whomHis rays fall are healed from their sin, and are given a new life that isabundant and free. They shall go forth and grow up as calves of the stall, i.e.calves that are well-fed and well-taken care of. Oh what a blessing! Are you, belovedbrethren and children, experiencing the warmth and the healing rays of the Sunof Righteousness? Are you enjoying the blessings of a righteous life? Are youenjoying the blessing of being regarded as righteous in God’s eyes? Beloved believer,there will be times when darkness enshrouds your soul, or when dark cloudsreturn after the rain. The cloud may be due to your falling into temptation, orit may even be due to a medical condition appointed by the Lord. Whatever itmay be, you must remember the Sun of Righteousness has risen. Behind the darkclouds, the Sun is shining. Those who fearthe Lord can always have access to the healing ray of the Sun. But remember: TheSun of righteousness, unlike the natural sun, shines with healing only forthose who fear the Lord. The enemies of the Lord will, instead of receiving ablessing, receive a scorching. For the day willcome when every knee will bow and every tongue confess that Jesus is Lord. Onthat day, all who fear the Lord will be vindicated and given a place ofeverlasting glory. On the other hand, those who fear not God, nor love the Son of God willsuffer loss. While in this life, they trample underfoot and take advantage ofthose who fear God, so in that great day of the Lord; the Lord will see to itthat they answer for their wicked deeds. Malachi puts it this way to those whofear the Lord: 3And ye shall tread down the wicked; for they shall be ashes under the soles ofyour feet in the day that I shall do this, saith the LORD of hosts. The righteous inChrist shall tread down the wicked. Being united to Christ, they shall havevictory over the wicked one and over sin. They shall be vindicated. The apostlePaul (referring to the prophesy in Genesis 3:15) promises us: “And the God ofpeace shall bruise Satan under your feet shortly” (Rom 16:20). Conclusion Oh beloved brethren, youthsand children, unless you fear and love the Lord, your life will continue to befull of frustration and misery. I am absolutely sure that a lot of the chaos inour homes that result in much quarrels and frustrations is a result of sin. Andsin is a result of the lack of fear of the LORD. Those who fear the LORD willnot live problem free lives, but they will have a joy and peace that the worlddoes not understand in all the changing scenes of life. For the Sun ofRighteousness has risen for them and will warm their hearts. They will have peace thatthe world does not understand. They will have hope that makes not ashamed. Theywill enjoy the warmth and healing of the rays of the Sun of righteousness. Theywill experience God’s covenant love. Oh beloved brethren,children and friends, do not miss out on the blessing. And when you look atthe sun again the next time, remember the Sun of Righteousness. Remember HisCovenant mercies upon His people. Remember how His healing rays shine only onthose who are truly His covenant children—who fear God. Amen. |