The Lord is Good

adaptedfrom PCC Prayer Meeting Exhortation on 25 Feb 2010.

7 The LORD is good, astrong hold in the day of trouble; and he knoweth them that trust in him.  8 But with an overrunning flood hewill make an utter end of the place thereof, and darkness shall pursue hisenemies” (Nahum 1:7-8).

Weknow very little about the prophet Nahum except that he is an Elkoshite. We donot even know where exactly is Elkosh, though scholars have proposed manydifferent sites. In all probability, it is a town in or near Judah.

Thename ‘Nahum’ means ‘consolation’; and Nahum was called to console or to comfortthe people of God. In this book, however, he does so, in an unusual way. Forthis book is described as a ‘burden’ (v. 1). It is a weighty prophecy of doomconcerning the destruction of Nineveh.The ancient site of Nineveh is situated on theEastern bank of the River Tigris near modern Mosul,the second largest city in Iraq.

Nineveh was the capital of the Assyrianempire. It was,—we must remember,—the Assyrians who destroyed Samaria in 722 BC. And it was also the Assyrianswho troubled Judaharound the same time, and even sent Manasseh, the King of Judah into exile fora season. Nahum was preaching around this time.

The Assyrians during thatperiod were known to be incredibly wicked. The prophet Zephaniah speaks of Nineveh, the capital ofthe Assyrians, as an arrogant city that “dwelt carelessly, that said in herheart, I am, and there is none beside me” (Zeph 2:15). Nahum describes her as a “bloody city” that is “allfull of lies and robbery” and “whoredom” and “witchcraft” (Nah 3:1, 4).

These descriptions have beencorroborated by multiple archaeological discoveries. Some of the atrocities committed by theAssyrians kings and armies are just too horrific to be described over thepulpit. It is no wonder that Jonah did not want to preach in Nineveh.

Itis no wonder, then, that a whole book of prophecy centering on the destructionof Ninevehcould be written to comfort God’s people. But there you have it. This is thepurpose of the book of Nahum.

Thatnotwithstanding, in this study, we want to consider briefly, a more positivestatement in the book, even the implicit promise found in Nahum 1:7. Thisverse, I believe captures the theme of the prophecy of Nahum very well. Verse 7and 8 reads—

7 The LORD is good, a strong hold in the day oftrouble; and he knoweth them that trust in him. 8 But with an overrunning flood he will make an utter end ofthe place thereof, and darkness shall pursue his enemies.[1]

Let’sconsider this implicit promise under three simple words found in the text,namely: Is, He, But. 

1. Is

Nahumsays “The LORD is good.” Notice fromour translation that the word ‘is’ is not even found in the original Hebrew.But it is strongly implied; and it is a very important idea!

Indeed,this word or the idea associated with it is so important that it is part ofGod’s name. When God introduced Himself to Moses, He gave His name as “I AM”:“I am that I am,” He says. From then on, God’s people knew Him as Yahweh orJehovah, which means “He is.”

Thisname indicates that God is the alone self-existent living and true God. But italso indicates that He is perfect and immutable.

Inour text, not only is God referred to as the “He is”, but we are told that “Heis” is good. What is Nahum, or more specifically, the Holy Spirit who inspiredNahum, seeking to convey to us in these words? He is no doubt seeking to bringacross the idea that God is always good. He is unchangingly good. He isperfectly good. His goodness is not at all affected by circumstance. Hisgoodness is impervious to challenge. His goodness cannot be doubted.

“TheLORD is good.” Nahum spoke those words at a time when God’s people weresuffering immensely. In the north, the capital was destroyed, many were killedand others were sent to exile. In the south many cities were also destroyed bythe Assyrians while at the same time the godly were tormented by the verywicked King Manasseh. Nevertheless, Nahum assures the people: “The LORD is good!

Whatever happensin the world, whatever evil we experience, whatever injustice we suffer,whatever pain and atrocities is afflicted upon us, God remains good. We may notfully understand why God allowed and indeed ordained the suffering; but we canhave this assurance that God is good and that in His hand all things will workout together for good to them that love Him.

The LORD is good, a strong hold in the dayof trouble; and he knoweth them that trust in him.

Butsecondly consider the word ‘He.”

2. He

Thepronoun ‘He’ refers to none other, but the LORD Himself. “He knoweth them that trust in him.” “he will make an utter end of the place thereof, and darkness shallpursue his enemies” (v. 8).

Whyis this word important in the text? Well, it is important because it emphasiseswho is in control in the day of trouble. The day of trouble had come upon thepeople of God because of attacks of the great and mighty king of Assyria. But is it the king of Assyriawho was in control? No no; the king of Assyria, however powerful he was, wasbut the sword of God to execute His sword to execute His wrath and justice (cf.Ezk 21:3; 30:24).

TheLORD was the one who was in absolute control. And because He was in control,God’s people could have the assurance that whatever happened, everything wasgoing to be alright for those who trust in Him.

Thosewho trust in the LORD are under His protection and care, and therefore theyneed not worry or be afraid of the wind and waves and lightning and thunder allaround them. They do not even need to fear a tsunami or flood, or a volcaniceruption or earthquake (v. 4-6). They need only hide in the shadow of His wings.

Soit must be with us today. We must learn to turn our eyes to Christ Jesus, theCaptain of our Salvation who is seated at the right hand of the Father andupholding the world by the Word of His power. No trouble in our life, whetheras an individual, as a family, as a church or as a nation, is too great thatour Lord is not in control. He who laid His life down for us is on the throne.He who is bringing to pass all things that ever happened in history and willhappen to us is our Saviour who loves us and has promised never to leave us norforsake us.

Butconsider finally, the word…

3. But

Nahumhas declared that God is good. He will be a shelter in the storm for all whoput their trust in Him. But the very next statement begins with the word ‘but.’“But with an overrunning flood he will make anutter end of the place thereof…” What a striking contrast.

On the one hand, God is portrayed as kind and loving.On the other hand, we are told that He is angry and fierce.

Buthow do we square this fact with the declaration that God is good. How can Godbe good if He not only allows own people to suffer, but also afflict massivedestruction upon His enemies?

Well,the answer is found in the word ‘but.’ You see, the word ‘but’ in our text isnot to contrast between the goodness of God and the wrath of God. No, no; makeno mistake. The word ‘but’ is to contrast between what God does for His peopleand what He does for His enemies.

You see, God is always good. This is the promise wecan cling on to. His goodness does not ebb and flow like the tide. His goodnessis not dependant on outward circumstances.

Andbecause God is always good, He is good in all that He does. He is good when He blessesthe righteous. He is good when He pours out His wrath on the wicked.

He would notbe doing good if He blesses the wicked for their wickedness. He is good when Heblesses the righteous for their righteousness. He would not be doing good if Hereward the righteous with evil or allow injustice to prevail. You see part ofGod’s goodness is His perfect justice.

Thus,God’s goodness must be manifested in different ways to different peopledepending on who they are and what they do. Those who are the enemies of God’speople and therefore God’s enemies can expect His fury.

Therefore,God’s goodness which is manifested to His people will always include anoutpouring of His wrath against those who persecute them.

God would not stand idly by as the Assyrians tormentedHis people. He would arise to fight for those who are His own. He would destroythe wicked who brought pain and sorrow upon His people for whom Christ laid Hislife down for. He would see to it that He will set everything right for He issovereign over all, and He is good. He would deal with the wicked both in thislife and for all eternity.


Belovedbrethren and children, remember: God is sovereign and God is good. But rememberalso that His goodness is manifested to different people in drasticallydifferent ways.

Howwill you experience the goodness of God? Will it be by His great wrath, or willit be by His great love?

Oh beloved brethren and children, let us trust Him;and let us make sure that we are on His side. Remember that we are by natureGod’s enemies. We deserve God’s wrath like the Ninevites, but God sent the LordJesus Christ to take His wrath on behalf of all who trust in Him, and to giveHis righteousness unto them in exchange.

It is for thisreason we can confidently expect God’s mercy and love, for our sins have beenpaid for. We are accounted righteous in Christ. God’s goodness will thereforeensure His blessing. This is His promise. Shall we not therefore learn to restin Him? Shall we not learn to look to Him for comfort in the day of trouble?Shall we not leave vengeance against the wicked in His hand, knowing that Godin His goodness will ensure a perfect recompense? Amen. Ω

[1] Note that verse 8 is a prophecy of the destruction of Nineveh, the enemy of God for her idolatry,pride and cruelty. “With an overrunning flood he will make an utter end of the place” says Nahum.

This prophecy was fulfilled very dramatically in612 BC. In that year the king of Babylon,Nabopolassar led a combined army of Babylonians, Medes and Scythians against Nineveh. The Babylonianarmy laid siege against the city. The walls of the city, we are told were morethan 15 metreshigh and very thick. So the battering rams of the conquering army wereineffective against them. So they decide to try to starve the people out.

Now, Ninevehwas quite self-sufficient, so it would have been a very, very long siege whichmight not have been successful at all. But three months into the siege therains fell, and the river Tigris overflowedits banks, and flooded part of the city and broke down some parts of the wall.

The king of Nineveh,Sin-shar-ishkun, the son of Ashur-banipal, whom we referred to earlier, fearingthat the end was near, had a huge funeral pyre constructed. Then he gatheredhis wives, children and eunuchs together with all his gold and silver, andburned themselves alive in the huge fire.

Thenwere the gates of Ninevehopened to the invaders—who proceeded to burn and destroy the city with shockingfury and thoroughness.  With an overrunning flood hewill make an utter end of the place” (v.8).