The Promise of Refinement adapted from PCC Prayer Meeting Exhortation on 27 May 2010 [Ed.: We are on a series of studiesbased on the great and precious promises in the Word of God based on 2 Peter3:1. In this series, we hope to traverse theScripture and draw out one promise from each book of the Bible for ourmediation. We have so far covered the 17 historical books that stand at thefirst section of the Old Testament. In this article, we are entering into thepoetic section of the Old Testament, beginning with the book of Job.] “But he knoweth the way that I take: when he hathtried me, I shall come forth as gold.” (Job 23:10) Many Old Testament scholarsbelieve that the book of Job is a very ancient document written even before thePentateuch. Indeed, it appears that at least a couple of dinosaurs were stillalive (cf. Job 40:13; 41:1) when the book was written. This book begins with Satanseeking permission from God to make Job suffer to see if he would blasphemeGod. God granted him permission and so he began to torment Job. Job lost hiswealth, his flock, his children and his health. But by the grace of God, heremained steadfast. The rest of the book comprisesa series of conversation between Job and his friends who had come to comforthim. Apparently, however, Job and his friends, with the exception of Elihu hada slightly faulty theology. They had the idea that if aperson suffers terribly in this life, it must be because he had sinnedterribly. Otherwise, God would not chastise so severely, or so they thought. Soone by one, Job’s friends, out of good intention, sought to get Job to confessand repent of his sins. But Job was a righteous man whofeared the Lord. Though he was not perfect, he sought to live a life thatbought honour the Lord. As such Job, started to defend himself against hisfriends. He never claimed to be sinless, but neither did he sin as grievouslyand shamelessly as his friend suggested he must have. At the same time, as Job alsoentertained to a degree the same proverbial idea that suffering in this lifeshould be meted out according to the sinfulness of the individual. Therefore,Job was quite indignant and on several occasions questioned the fairness ofGod. Job’s friend Elihu saw Job’sand his other friends’ errors and tried to correct them. But ultimately it waswhen God spoke that Job was silenced and realised how he had spokenunadvisedly. And God did not even address Job’s question of fairness. All hedid was to ask Job to consider how infinitely greater and wiser God is comparedto him. But now, despite his error inthinking and the LORD’s admonishment, Job was a saint in suffering whosepatience is worthy of our emulation (cf. Jms 5:11). In particular, Job makesseveral very beautiful statements which many of us, I believe, find to beextremely encouraging in times of trials. One of these statements isessentially an expression of faith in the Lord that He is always good andconsiderate towards his saints—even in trials. I am referring to Job 23:10— But he knoweth the way that I take: when he hath triedme, I shall come forth as gold. Let’s consider these wordsunder three sub-headings according to the natural divisions of the promise: 1. The LORD knows our Path Job says in the context: “8Behold, I go forward, but he is not there; and backward, but I cannot perceivehim: 9 On the left hand, where he doth work, but I cannot beholdhim: he hideth himself on the right hand, that I cannot see him: 10 But he knoweth the way that I take…”(Job 23:8-10) What is Job saying? Essentiallywhat he is saying is that although I do not see God, He sees me. Although I donot always understand his ways, He always understand my ways. “He knoweth the way that I take…” God is omniscient. He knows allthings—including everything about me: how I think, what I see, what I hear,what I say and what I do. But is He only a bystanderwatching the world go by? No, when Job says: “He knoweth the way that I take,”he is implying that God is sovereignly in control of his life. He knows my wayin that He has ordained my ways and directed by ways by his providential power. Look at Proverbs 16:19— “Aman’s heart deviseth his way: but the LORD directeth his steps.” The Spirit who inspired Job isthe same who inspired Solomon. A man may have many plans and devices. He maymake many decisions, but ultimately it is the Lord that directs his steps. TheLORD knows his ways because He directs His steps. But how does the LORD directthe steps of man? Does he do so in a neutral way—just like the way he directsthe lives of animal to sustain their existence in this world as much as itserves His glory? Well no; the Scriptures isclear. Look at Psalm 1:6— “Forthe LORD knoweth the way of the righteous: but the way of the ungodly shallperish.” (Ps 1:6) Now, there is an antitheticalparallelism in this verse that implies. What that means is that the two partsof the verses are antithetical. So if the way if the ungodly shall perish, thenwhat is implied is that the way of the righteous shall be blessed. What thisalso means is that the Lord knows the way of the righteous for good! The same truth is taught inProverbs 3:6— “Inall thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths” (Prov 3:6). Job was confident that the Lordknows his ways and direct his steps for good because he feared the Lord andsought to follow after him. You too can have the sameconfidence, beloved brethren and children. When you love the Lord and seekfirst His kingdom, you can have the assurance that He knows your ways and willdirect your steps for good. You can have this assurance day by day. You canhave this assurance when the sun is shining brightly and the breeze is blowing.You can also have the same confidence when the storm is brewing and the sun ishidden behind dark storm clouds. This is exactly what Job issaying in the second part of his statement, for he reminds us that… 2. Every Suffering is a Trial in the LORD’s Hand But he knoweth the way that I take: when he hath tried me, I shallcome forth as gold. When Job says that God knowsthe way that he takes, he is saying that God is in sovereign control over life.But you know it is one thing to think that God is directing your steps whenthings are going well in your life. It is quite another thing to believe thatwhen things are really bad, God is still in control. Job believed. He knew thatnothing is outside God’s control. Even when things are really really bad, Godis in control. Satan may indeed be involved.In the case of Job Satan was involved. Indeed, we know from what the Lord toldPeter that Satan sometimes ask for permission to sieve God’s children likewheat. So there are times when a child of God could go through very severesuffering where Satan has a hand in it. However, we must remember thatGod does not loose control. “When he hathtried me…” says Job. Whatever may be the circumstance. Whoever may beinvolved. It may involved a loved one. It may involve a superior at work; abrother in Christ; or a stranger. It may involve a bacteria or virus. It mayinvolve a neuro-chemical. Or it may even be Satan. Whoever it may be, the LORDis in control. Beloved brethren and children, remember:Whatever suffering you may have to endure, you must know and believe that it isthe sovereign Lord who is trying you. It is not chance. It is not an enemy. Itis the LORD the lover of your soul. Sufferings are a means by whichGod would try you. This is why James says: “My brethren, count it all joy whenye fall into divers temptations [i.e. trial]” (James 1:2). By why does the LORD try us orchasten us? Job gives us the answer in thethird part of his statement of faith —“I shall come forth as gold.” Here, wesee that… 3. The LORD is Refining us Through Trials But he knoweth the way that I take: when he hath tried me, I shallcome forth as gold. Gold when it is mined must berefined before it can be useful. How is gold refined? By subjecting the nuggetsto intense heat in a furnace which would melt the gold and burn away theimpurities (Prov 17:3). Then the liquid gold is pouredinto the mould and moulded according to what the craftsman wants to make of it. This is what God was doing withJob. Job was a righteous saint; but God would refine him further. He had to betried and proven. He had to be subjected to intense heat so that the drossmight be burned away and he becomes a vessel even more useful to the LORD. Although Job felt indignantthat he had to suffer so terribly when he did not commit some terrible sin, heunderstood that God was refining him and he would come out stronger and better.Though he had rather not go through the process, he was confident that when hecame out of it, he would be a better person, moulded for the LORD’s glory anduse. This, beloved brethren andchildren, must be our own confidence when we suffer trials. James put it thisways: “2My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations; 3Knowing this,that the trying of your faith worketh patience. 4 But let patiencehave her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing” (Jas1:2-4). Are you going through adifficult trial? I know many of us are. Whatever your trial may be, rememberthat God is in control. He is seeking to cultivate your faith and yourChristian character of patience, hope and love for the Lord (Rom 5:1-5). He isas it were, burning away your sin and sloth, your bad habits, your errors andwrong thinking patterns, etc. Remember that he is working allthings together for your good. Remember that “whom the Lordloveth he chasteneth, and scourgeth every son whom he receiveth” (Heb 12:6). Remember that when he knows theway that you take, when He has tried you, you will come forth as gold. This isthe Lord’s promise for all His children. Conclusion Learn therefore to rest in theLord. Stop fighting against the circumstances in your life—even if it involvessuffering. Pray not so much for deliverance from the trial as for Lord’sstrength and wisdom to grow in the trial. Remember that the Lord is knows your way. He is in control even whenapparently bad things happen to you. And He is refining you so that you mayenjoy him and glorify more both in this life and the life to come. Amen. Ω |