WanderingThoughts in Worship In the seventh chapter of 1 Corinthians, Paul is addressing theCorinthian Christians concerning marriage; but because of a particular crisissituation that the church was going through (v. 26) he advises them that, allthings being equal, it would be better for them to remain single. Thesituational context of Paul’s exhortation may not be directly applicable to ustoday, and therefore marriage should not be frowned upon. However, the generalprinciple of single-minded attendance to the Lord that is applied by Paul andexpressed in the words "that ye may attend upon the Lord withoutdistraction" (v. 35) is not only applicable but imperative to us. Thisprinciple is applicable to us in all situations in our Christian life. It is aprinciple which teaches us the importance of being steadfastly single-mindedwhen it comes to our relationship or communion with God. Being so, it is aprinciple which we must especially bear in mind when we are engaged in theformal act of worship. This is because formal worship, while it lasts, requiresour wholehearted attendance to God who is a Jealous God (Ex 34:14). Anythingshort of wholehearted attendance would become hypocritical, formal andlegalistic, and a mockery to our God who is all-seeing, all-knowing andthrice-holy. But experience teaches us that wholehearted attendance is oftendifficult to achieve on account of wandering thoughts. This is especially acutebecause we live in an age of distraction. Telephones, pagers, televisions andcomputers are but some of the more prominent embodiments of the problem. Theseare not necessarily bad though they do sometimes distract us from attending tothe things of God. But they do benumb us to being distracted: so much so, thatwe are rendered much less concerned, when we are distracted by wanderingthoughts during worship. Such thoughts appear in many forms, such as:"Will the share prices rise today?"; "What should I cooktoday?"; "How am I to finish my homework by tomorrow?";"The preacher’s tie is too gaudy"; "The air-conditioning is toocold"; "That deacon is nodding, I wonder if he was watching the lateshow last night?"; "The sermon is too long"; "Why can’t theparents keep their children quiet?" and etc. For some, the mind may evendrift completely to a scene in the movie watched the night before; or to thedinner date enjoyed sometime ago. Naturally many of these thoughts may not besinful in themselves, but when they occur during worship, they becomeexceedingly sinful because they rob God of the glory and honour due Him, andrender the actions of the worshipper hypocritical. Sadly, this sinful problem is often not recognised or felt by theaverage believer so that many can attend to worship for months and years,having only a form of godliness but denying the power thereof (2 Tim 3:5).Sadder still, when the problem is recognised, many of us do not attempt toeradicate it; for after all, our hearts are not seen by any, and those littledistractions are harmless, or so we imagine. Thus many will continue to bebeset by wandering thoughts during worship, and that to the detriment of ourown soul. Causes Richard Steele in his excellent classic treatise, A Remedy for Wandering Thought inWorship, has perceptively identified twelve causes of distractions inworship, namely: (1) Secret Atheism, comprising of atheism in the head, theheart and life; (2) Corruption of our nature which results in the dullness anddeceitfulness of the heart; (3) Unpreparedness for worship, including failureto get sufficient rest the night before; (4) Lukewarmness in our attitudetowards God and our exercise of devotion; (5) Wordly-mindedness which drags ourheart earthwards when it should rather soar heavenwards; (6) Weakness of ourlove to Christ and His Ordinances; (7) Want of watchfulness in prayer; (8) Abeloved sin that prevents our heart from coming nigh to God in sincerity andboldness; (9) Satan (and his subordinates) who may sometimes bring aboutdistracting circumstances; (10) Vain thoughts at other times, which thoughtswhen entertained get imprinted in the heart and easily creep into consciousnessin the quiet moments of worship; (11) A divided heart, as when worship isengaged with the understanding and conscience but not with the will oraffections; or when the heart is unfixed, indeterminate, wavering andunsettled; and (12) An opinion that wandering thoughts are no great evil. This list may not be exhaustive, but a moment’s introspection willsurely affirm the accuracy of Steele’s observations. Recognising our ownproblem of wandering thoughts and identifying the causes of our distraction isa vital step in our attempt to ensure that our worship is wholehearted andpleasing to the Lord. Let us therefore examine our hearts honestly before theLord, praying with the Psalmist, "Search me, O God, and know my heart: tryme, and know my thoughts: And see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead mein the way everlasting" (Ps 139:23–4). And having done so let us ask theLord for wisdom and strength to deal with the problem. Remedies The Scripture does prescribe remedies for each of the causes ofdistraction given above, and it would do well for us to be particularly carefulto apply the scriptural remedies where we find ourselves most affected. Do youconstantly find yourself having no victory over sin, and preferring to indulgein the pleasures of the flesh and in sinful thoughts rather than in prayer andworship? Could it be that you have never been born again? Or, is your problem that of secret atheism? Then repent of yoursin and your unbelief and cry to the Lord to grant you the faith you lack:"Lord, I believe; help thou mine unbelief" (Mk 9:24). Do not delaynor desist until you know with certainty that Christ be formed in you (Gal4:19) and dwell in your heart by faith (Eph 3:17). And take heed to your life.Allow no lingering sin to fester in you, and let not any unworthy thoughts fillyour minds at any time, for such will return to torment you by an evilconscience that would prevent you from approaching God with boldness andconfidence. Or, are you beset by lukewarmness or a lack of love for Christ andworldly-mindedness? Then meditate on what Christ has done for you and considerhow much He loves you in dying for you while you were yet in your sins (Rom5:8). As a help, pick up a good book by the Puritan divines. These are menwhose hearts have been set aflame by the Holy Spirit, whose writings willsurely lend some warmth to our frigid hearts. Let these spur your heart toascend heavenward that you may mortify your heart to the world (cf. 1 Jn 5:4)and attend to worship with passion befitting the Saviour’s love for you. Or, are you hindered by unpreparedness? Then, neglect not to makesensible preparations as necessary such as having sufficient sleep before worshipon the Sabbath; and also keeping yourself fit and alert by physical exercisesduring the week. So frequently, in our modern competitive society, our problemsof spiritual tardiness is compounded by physical lethargy so that moments ofquietness with eyes closed for prayer and worship often turn into unprofitablesnatches of slumber. Such was the problem of the disciples which led to theirwant of watchfulness (Matt 26:40). Or, is your predicament both of a want of watchfulness and that ofa divided heart during worship so that you are easily tempted by the devil toturn away from the message being preached, the Scripture being read or theordinance being administered? Then plead with the Lord for sincerity andseriousness and resolved, with His help, not to allow anything to distract youfrom your current duty of devotion. Be determined not to read anything but whatis being read. Read not the words off the wall, read not the bulletin oranything else but the text being read and expounded. Resolve not to lookanywhere but to the communion table when the bread is broken, and lift yourheart in holy contemplation of how the body of Christ was broken for you. Conclusion Wandering thoughts in worship is a sin. It is not to be takenlightly. Drowsiness at sermons show much irreverence to God as the preacherstands in the stead of Christ to bring God’s Word. Wandering thoughts are nodifference from slumbering except that the eyes are open,—which makes it worst,because it become hypocrisy. So, dearly beloved, let us carefully examine ourhearts to purge our hearts from this wickedness, and truly worship the Lordwith reverential fear and in spirit and in truth each time we come before Himin public and private worship.