Part II
Last Sabbath, webegun on the first part of the message preached by bro Yeow Meng on 12 August2001, which he was unable to complete on account of being emotionallyoverwhelmed by what he was preaching. We conclude here with the second part ofthe message.
The Need To Be Found In This Covenant
Now let us consider why it is important for you and I to be found in thiscovenant. All of us are like the Israelites in Egypt. That is a real picture ofus. We sigh, we cry, and we groan, so much so that our hearts have growndeadened to that misery within. But consider with me several things.
First, without being found in this covenant, you will remain in yourmisery. There is no escape or remission for you forever. None of the Israeliteswas able to break away from the bondage of that great Egypt. We may continuallybe seeking happiness or the meaning of life, but how can we find them in a landof bondage? What happiness and meaning of life are there for a prisoner?Perhaps, your life may not be so miserable if your master is a kind master wholooks after the welfare of his slaves. But the god of this world is thecontrary of a kind master. He is the Pharaoh who desires you to suffer and die.
Remember what he said to his taskmasters, when Moses asked him for leave forthe Israelites to sacrifice to God:
Ye shall no more give the peoplestraw to make brick, as heretofore: let them go and gather straw forthemselves. And the tale of the bricks, which they did make heretofore, yeshall lay upon them; ye shall not diminish ought thereof: for they be idle;therefore they cry, saying, Let us go and sacrifice to our God (Ex 5:7–8).
Again, remember that he was also the one who first commanded the Hebrewmidwives to kill the children of the Israelites. And when that failed, hecharged all his people to throw the children of the Israelites into the river.This is a picture of your state in this world: You have been born as a slave,and that in the land of spiritual Egypt, only a covenant with God will secureyour release.
Secondly, perhaps like some Israelites, you may think to yourselves, Imay be very poor and destitute, but at least I am contented with my presentlife and estate. I have no lack, like some Israelites who said, “We rememberthe fish, which we did eat in Egypt freely; the cucumbers, and the melons, andthe leeks, and the onions, and the garlic” (Num 11:5).
You may think, though life may be meaningless and miserable, I am contentedwith what I am and what I have now.
But believe this, just as continual fatigue and discomfort of a body, withoutreason, are signs of a diseased body, so likewise, your present miseries, ifnot dealt with, are signs of a root ailment, and of much greater troubles andsufferings to come. Just as outward comforts and contentment do not remedy thesickness of a person, so fading pleasures and fleeting wealth will not heal theEgyptian seed and heritage of bondage and misery in you.
The corruptions of your heart, mind and body, culminating in the certainty ofdeath for all men, your misery and your emptiness in heart, all testify to thatseed of bondage in you, which in turn will show eternal and much greater troublesto come if left untreated. Will a man ignore a doctor when the doctor tells himthat he has contracted a life-threatening illness and is in a perilous state?Well, he may ignore the doctor on the ground of suspicions that the physicianhas mistaken. But what if God who never errs is the One who tells the man so?Will the man still ignore God? The Scripture, which is the Word of God, mostgraciously tells us so.
Are you comfortable in your sin and godlessness? Do you not know that in theday when God shall overthrow this idolatrous and proud Egyptian world, and allthings in it, He shall also certainly overthrow all who willingly and happilyserve her king?
Do you not know that every part of Egypt is liable to the judgment anddestruction of God? Every sin, even if it is the least sin, is liable tocapital punishment from God, for it is written, “the soul that sinneth, itshall die” (Ezk 18:4, 20a). Do you not see the excellence of this covenant, andhow we ought to be found in it?
Finally, see the certainty of deliverance for those who are in thiscovenant. See, first of all, that God never forgets those who are in thiscovenant. What does the text say? It says when the children of Israel werecrying, God remembered His covenant with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
It has been more than 600 years since God made that covenant with Abraham. WhenGod made the covenant with Abraham, Isaac was still unborn. And it is writtenthat Isaac lived till an age of 180 years (Gen 35:28). And Isaac’s son, Jacob,was 130 years old when he came with his entire family to Egypt (Gen 47:9). Andthe children of Israel were in Egypt for 400 years. Thus, if one totals allthese up, it would have been more than 600 years since God made that covenantwith Abraham.
Our nation Singapore, though having so many attainments and much prosperity, isonly 36 years old. But it has been more than 600 years since God made thatcovenant with Abraham. And despite the great length of time, the Scripture sayshere that God remembered His covenant with His people. This is a covenant thatshall never be forgotten by God. The Scripture repeatedly calls it aneverlasting covenant, implying not only that it will not end, but that it willalso be continually remembered.
We give so much of ourselves to the world, many of our parents gave theirentire life to their companies and perhaps to the community. But did theircompanies and the community remember them? Will the world remember us?
The world will forget us. But in this covenant, God will not forget you. Hewill not leave you in misery, as creatures abandoned, both now and throughoutall eternity. For this is a covenant that shall never be forgotten by Him. AndHe will receive us as His sons and daughters. Which of us would forget ourchildren?
Furthermore, not only does God not forget, but He is also able to deliver andwill deliver a person out of this bondage, misery and emptiness. It does nothelp much if we are remembered by someone who is unable to help us in our needystate. But such is not the case with God. When God heard the cries of Hiscovenant people, He sent Moses to command Pharaoh to let His people go. Andwhen Pharaoh refused, God poured out His great plagues, one after another, tojudge Pharaoh and Egypt, bringing colossal destruction to Egypt, bringing theproud and lofty Pharaoh down to his knees, and leaving him with no choice butto let the Israelites go. By the eighth plague, even Pharaoh’s servants had tosay to Pharaoh, “How long shall this man be a snare unto us? let the men go,that they may serve the LORD their God: knowest thou not yet that Egypt isdestroyed?” (Ex 10:7).
Thus, the children of Israel were set free from Egypt, the land of bondage. Godwent through great length to do all these great works all because of His covenantwith men. He will go through great length to free those in this covenant frommisery and to do them good. And this covenant, He offers to men everywhere.This covenant is the only way for man to remedy his dreadful distance from Godand to be brought into His favour and His presence. Is any man doing himselfjustice and good in rejecting such a covenant? Is there not an urgent need tobe found in this covenant?
Directions For Those
Who Are In This Divine Covenant
What do all these mean for those who are already in thiscovenant? You have been brought into this covenant with God. You have seen howexcellent and great this covenant with God is. Through this covenant, of allthe great multitudes of the people in the world, you are among that small groupof people pitied and heard by God in your bondage and misery. Of all mankind inour generation, you are among that small group of people who have receivedmercy and redemption from your bondage and misery by God. You are among thatsmall group of people who have access and communion with God, with an exceedinggreat and precious promise of God both in this life and the everlasting life tocome.
How blessed and privileged a person you are! Just as Moses told the Israelitesthat “The LORD did not set his love upon you, nor choose you, because ye weremore in number than any people; for ye were the fewest of all people” (Deut7:7), so you were brought into this covenant not by anything worthy, deservingor commendable in you, but by the sole mercies and grace of God.
Now if the parents in our land are so glad when their children are acceptedinto a choice school, then how much infinitely more glad should we be, we whohave been chosen into this unspeakable gift of covenant. And if we are thankfulto be a citizen of this prosperous and wealthy country, then how muchinfinitely more when we are members of this divine covenant?
Consider then we should not be ignorant of this covenant. Neither should weesteem it lightly, nor be forgetful of this merciful and gracious divinecovenant that God has brought us into. The Scripture reminds us, “Bless theLORD, O my soul: and all that is within me, bless his holy name. Bless theLORD, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits” (Ps 103:1–2).
Be not like the nine gospel lepers who were both unthankful and forgetful ofGod’s healing of them. Therefore, with a mindful and grateful heart, considerwhat directions there are for yourselves as members of this great divinecovenant. God has promised in this covenant that He shall be your God and youHis people. As His people, what are our dues and duties to God?
Serve the Lord
Firstly, remember the end of God’s deliverance of you outof that bondage and misery—it is to serve God. When God sent Moses to Pharaohto secure the release of His people, He sent him there with this message,
And thou shalt say unto Pharaoh,Thus saith the LORD, Israel is my son, even my firstborn: And I say unto thee,Let my son go, that he may serve me: and if thou refuse to let himgo, behold, I will slay thy son, even thy firstborn (Ex 4:22–23; emph.mine).
Read Exodus 7:16. Read 8:1, read 8:20, read 9:1, read 9:13; read 10:3. The samething is written there. It is this: “Let my people go, that they may serve me.”
We see the same thought in the New Testament. Thus theApostle Paul exhorts us: “… by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodiesa living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonableservice” (Rom 12:1–2). The end of God“s deliverance of us from bondage andmisery is to serve Him.
How may we do so, you may ask. First, devote your entire being andself to God. We have read the exhortation to present our bodies a livingsacrifice, holy and acceptable to God. In another place before this text, inRomans 6, we too are exhorted,
Let not sin therefore reign in yourmortal body, that ye should obey it in the lusts thereof. Neither yield ye yourmembers as instruments of unrighteousness unto sin: but yield yourselves untoGod, as those that are alive from the dead, and your members as instruments ofrighteousness unto God (vv. 12–13).
We must give our entire self and being,—our heart, soul, mind and body,—in holyand acceptable service to God. Thus the first and great commandment is, “Thoushalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and withall thy mind” (Mt 22:37).
Next, follow the scriptural example of Joshua, who said to theIsraelites,
Now therefore fear the LORD, andserve him in sincerity and in truth: and put away the gods which your fathers servedon the other side of the flood, and in Egypt; and serve ye the LORD. And if itseem evil unto you to serve the LORD, choose you this day whom ye will serve;whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of theflood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell: but as for me andmy house, we will serve the LORD (Jos 24:14–15).
Lead your entire family, every member of your family, to serve Him; to worshipHim. Husbands and fathers, this is your duty as head of your house. Wives,support and assist your husband. Make your family a family of consecratedservice to your Redeemer-God. This is your duty and due, and God is more thanworthy of your doing so.
Serve God single-mindedly, serve Him sincerely, serve Him fervently, and withlove. Seize every opportunity to serve Him, for that is both your duty and highhonour. Unworthy as you are, God has called you to serve Him, every minute ofthe day, every moment of your life. Seek to draw near to Him. Seek to live forHim, and for His glory. Be burdened for the good and prosperity of His church,endeavour to raise up godly seed unto Him in your family. Serving Him is yourhigh honour, calling, duty and due. Remember, it is your reasonable service.
Walk with God
Secondly, consider how you conduct your life. You mustseparate from all ungodliness, and consecrate yourself to God, by walking withGod.
In Exodus 19, after God led the Israelites out of Egypt, He said to them thesewords,
Ye have seen what I did unto theEgyptians, and how I bare you on eagles“ wings, and brought you unto myself.Now therefore, if ye will obey my voice indeed, and keep my covenant, then yeshall be a peculiar treasure unto me above all people: for all the earth ismine: And ye shall be unto me a kingdom of priests, and an holy nation (vv.4–6).
But what happened after this? In Exodus 33:1–3, we read God saying to them,
Depart, and go up hence… unto theland which I sware unto Abraham… And I will send an angel before thee;… for Iwill not go up in the midst of thee; for thou art a stiffnecked people: lest Iconsume thee in the way.
The children of Israel did not obey God. They did not live a life of separationfrom ungodliness and consecration to God.
But how do I live such a life, you may ask. I do not know how to live such alife, you may say. I have no idea where to start.
What does it mean to live a life of obedience to God? How do we separate fromsin and consecrate ourselves to God? Is it not by walking with God? Do we nothave the example of Enoch, who walked with God and was translated by Godbecause he pleased God?
Walking with God consists of several things.
First, it would consist of agreeing with God. This means that what Godhas said and revealed, I believe it is right. Whatever God has said andrevealed, that is the final rule of my faith and conduct.
Secondly, it would consist of obeying Him continually, like a childfollowing his father as his father leads him. Have you seen how a little childwalk with his father? His father would tenderly hold his hand and lead him, andthe child will follow his father. The moment the child stops following hisfather, he stops walking with his father. Follow God continually. Obey Himcontinually.
Thirdly, walking with God would also consist of moving from one place toanother, which means progressing. Movement is the basic idea and essence ofwalking. Hence, walking with God would also mean progressing in God, in theknowledge and grace of Him.
Walking with God consists of both growing in conformity with Him andprogressing in Him. Learn to walk with Him. Learn to know Him and understandHim through His Word. Neglect not the Scripture. Learn to obey Him more andmore. Neglect not meditation of the Word of God. And learn to progress in Him.Neglect not prayer. Be teachable each time you come before His voice in readingand hearing His Word.
Unless we walk with Him, we cannot be His people. But as we do so, we shallfind ourselves separating more and more from ungodliness and consecratingourselves to God.
Be Strong, Press On
Finally, our duties and dues to God as His people alsoconsist of remembering the way to deal with difficulties in our journey of thislife, namely, through faith, perseverance and patience.
Just as the Israelites, after crossing the Red Sea, had not reach the PromisedLand, so likewise, we have not reached the land that God promised us. We arestill pilgrims and strangers in this world. And you know the difficulties thatabound along the way to the Promised Land for the Israelites.
Shortly after they left the land of Egypt, Pharaoh and his great armies startedpursuing them. And after Pharaoh, the people of the surrounding lands did notgive them rest. The Amalekites came forth striking them. Likewise, yourspiritual enemies will not leave you in peace.
And as they were travelling in the wilderness to the Promised Land, the weatherwas not conducive to them, but harsh. Likewise, the spiritual weather in theworld will be harsh towards you. Do you see how God’s warnings and instructionsin the Old Testament apply to you?
It is no easy journey into the Promised Land. And just asthe Israelites had to endure all the difficulties and conquer the Canaanites toinherit the land, likewise we have to endure all our trials and conquer our difficultiesto inherit our Promised Land.
We will face the trials of not trusting God to provide for our needs in ourneedy moments of hunger and thirst. We will face the giant Anakims ofdiscouragements. We will face the Achanic sin of discontentment and greed alongour journey through this world. We will face the danger of idolatry. We willface the danger of corrupting the worship of God in not separating ourselvesfrom falsehood and deceptions. We will face the danger of taking to ourselvesheathen wives and giving ourselves to heathen husbands. And we will also facethe danger of losing sight of the Promised Land, and of loving the world andthe things in it. But this is our assurance of victory, we have the AlmightyGod on our side with us, if only we take heed not to depart from Him the livingGod, who shall lead us, preserve us and care for us.
Thus, the Apostle Paul exhorts us, before instructing us to put on the wholearmour of God, to “be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might” (Eph 6:10).
Listen to the admonishment of William Gurnall:
One reason why there are so manyprofessors and so few Christians; so many that run and so few obtain; so manygo into the field against Satan, and so few come out conquerors; becauseall have a desire to be happy, but few have courage and resolution to grapplewith the difficulties that meet them in the way to their happiness. AllIsrael came joyfully out of Egypt under Moses’ conduct, yea, and a mixedmultitude with them, but when their bellies were a little pinched with hunger,and their greedy desires of a present Canaan deferred, yea, instead of peaceand plenty, way and penury, they, like white-livered soldiers, are ready to flyfrom their colours, and make a dishonourable retreat into Egypt (The Christianin Complete Armour, 1:15–16).
He is the right soldier that is not discouraged by those that run from, or thatare slain in the battle, but still presseth on to victory, though he goes to itover the backs of others that are killed upon the place (ibid., 1:4).
Are you discouraged in your Christian race? Are you disheartened by so manytroubles, struggles and failings in your life? Consider, Who is not? The whole church of God throughout the ages has been so!Each of us has our burdens to bear, allotted by the providence of God.
Should we not heed the exhortation of the Apostle, to rely rather on God—“bestrong in the Lord, and in the power of his might”? Should we be like theIsraelites, or should we rather not stand with Joshua and Caleb?
Caleb, at the age of 85 years old, said to Joshua,
As yet I am as strong this day as Iwas in the day that Moses sent me: as my strength was then, even so is mystrength now, for war, both to go out, and to come in. Now therefore give methis mountain, whereof the LORD spake in that day; for thou heardest in thatday how the Anakims were there, and that the cities were great and fenced: ifso be the LORD will be with me, then I shall be able to drive them out, as theLORD said (Jos 14:11–12).
And after these words, it is recorded that, Joshua blessed him and gave him Hebron for aninheritance. And the reason given for this bounty? “Because that he whollyfollowed the LORD God of Israel”(Jos 14:13–14).
Thus, he set for us a most encouraging and excellent example in our Christianrace, in overcoming difficulties in our life—through faith, perseverance, andpatience.
In conclusion, let this question be asked and replied in your heart: Do youknow that God is a God of covenant, and the blessedness of being in Hiscovenant? May the God of covenant grant you understanding through thisquestion.
—Sim Yeow Meng
(edited by J.J. Lim)