Psalm 49 1 Hear this, all people, and give ear, | Recommended Tunes |
Psalm 49
Dirge of the Righteous over the unredeemed
Some of the sentiments in this psalm remind us of the book of Ecclesiastes, and also of that provoking and adamant statement of our Lord, “What doth it profit a man if he shall gain the whole world and lose his own soul?” To live for this life only, and accumulate possession and riches, cannot buy redemption, or a resurrection unto glory and eternal life. Even our first parent, though created in uprightness and innocence, did not abide in that state for long, but brought in sin and death. Such is the thought in v. 12, “Nevertheless Adam being in honour abideth not.” Man, however great his estate, however multiplied his riches, cannot redeem his brother, cannot redeem anyone, and certainly cannot redeem himself.
The Psalmist, as did Paul to the Ephesians, brings in another factor, v. 15, “But God.” All are lost, but God who is rich in mercy, will redeem my soul from the power of the grave, and He shall receive me. Is that your persuasion, is that your experience, that God through Christ, and in Christ, has redeemed your soul?