Triumphant praise from Israel, because of their King and all His saints subduing the nations 

This is a song suitable for Gospel times, a new song of redemption through Christ, as distinct from the old song of Moses, the lawgiver. The congregation of saints will take this hymn of praise on their lips. A seed shall serve and praise Him, for He has made or recreated us to that privilege. They shall be joyful in their King, who is King of kings and Lord of lords. He that was born King of the Jews is King of the church, ruling also over all people. 

His elect is the subject of His pleasure, and that was true in eternity, “For His delight was with the sons of men.” They exhibit the beauty derived from salvation, even a sanctified life. To them He gives a two-edged sword, the Law and the Gospel being the sword of the Spirit. His people wielding such a weapon will conquer, for the Gospel is a savour of death and life, to both kings and commoners.

Psalm 149

   1  Praise ye the Lord: unto him sing
         a new song, and his praise
      In the assembly of his saints
         in sweet psalms do ye raise.

   2  Let Isr'el in his Maker joy,
         and to him praises sing:
      Let all that Zion's children are
         be joyful in their King.

   3  O let them unto his great name
         give praises in the dance;
      Let them with timbrel and with harp
         in songs his praise advance.

   4  For God doth pleasure take in those
         that his own people be;
      And he with his salvation
         the meek will beautify.

   5  And in his glory excellent
         let all his saints rejoice:
      Let them to him upon their beds
         aloud lift up their voice.

   6  Let in their mouth aloft be raised
         the high praise of the Lord,
      And let them have in their right hand
         a sharp two-edged sword;

   7  To execute the vengeance due
         upon the heathen all,
      And make deserved punishment
         upon the people fall.

   8  And ev'n with chains, as pris'ners, bind
         their kings that them command;
      Yea, and with iron fetters strong,
         the nobles of their land.

   9  On them the judgment to perform
         found written in his word:
      This honor is to all his saints.
         O do ye praise the Lord.

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