What is the Alpha Course?

The Alpha course is a 15-session introduction to the ‘Christian Faith’ initiated at the Charismatic Holy Trinity Brompton Anglican Church in UK. Purportly begun 20 years ago, there are today more than 12,000 Alpha courses running all over the UK and around the world. Each meeting in the course typically begins with meal and a video produced by pioneers Sandy Millar or Nicky Gumbel, followed by discussions in small groups over tea. Course leaders are trained to follow a prescribed manual which, unfortunately, is blatantly Arminian and humanistic with its decisionism, lack of emphasis on human depravity, on divine sovereignty or on Christ, not to mention the atonement or the need for justification, regeneration, faith and repentance. 

Furthermore, it also clearly promotes charismaticism and ecumenism. It is no wonder that the course is vigorously promoted not only by the Anglican church, but by Charismatic leaders and Eastern Orthodox and Roman Catholic clergies alike. As such, although there might arguably be some genuine cases of conversions through the courses, all Bible-believing Christians ought to have nothing to do with them at all (2 Cor 6:14; Rom 16:17; 2Thes 3:6; 1 Jn 4:1). The Alpha course promotes “another gospel: which is not another” of the same kind, but a perversion of the Gospel of Christ (Gal 1:6–7). For more information, read Chris Hand, Falling Short? The Alpha Course Examined (Day One Pub., 1998).