The Bible condemnshypocrisy very strongly. Does this mean that it is better for me not to doanything (e.g. attending the means of grace or having fellowship with otherChristians) if I cannot do it with a cheerful or grateful heart?

Yes, it is true that theBible condemns hypocrisy very strongly. In the Old Testament, the LORD, throughIsaiah, calls Judah “Sodom and Gomorrah”(Isa 1:10) because oftheir hypocritical worship. In the New Testament, the Lord Jesus calls theScribes and Pharisee ‘Whited Sepulchre’ (Mt 23:27) for the same reason.

However, I do not think that thismeans we should conclude that it is better for us to not to attempt to do whatis right or to obey God’s commandments if we cannot do it cheerfully orgratefully. There is, we must understand, quite a difference between beingconvicted that something is wrong and not being able to do with a cheerfulspirit. Indeed, if we would all cease to do anything but what we can do withgreat eagerness, then none of us would do anything, for none of us can claim tohave a perfectly pure motive—at least not in this life.

Remember that anything we do can only beacceptable to God if it is brought about through “an actual influence of the…Holy Spirit, to work[ing] in [us] to will and to do of His good pleasure” (WCF 16.3; Phil 2:12). However, nowhere in the Bible, do wefind God commanding us to do anything only if we perceive that we have the helpof the Holy Spirit to do it cheerfully and gratefully. On the contrary, we arecommanded to do all things as responsible and obedient children. So the apostlePaul, in the verse prior to telling us that it is God who works in us to do andto will of His good pleasure reminds us to work out our salvation with fear andtrembling (Phil 2:11).

In other words, I believe that evenif we cannot find it in our heart to do something that is right and goodconsidered by itself, we should still do it. This is provided, we are notconvicted that it is wrong for us to do it. As we mentioned in the answerpublished last sabbath (see NTIAGQin PCC Bulletin, vol. 12, no. 30dated 23 Jan 2011),it is hypocrisy to do what your conscience forbids even if it may be rightaccording to the Law of God.

In other words, if you areconvicted that it is wrong for you to do something based on your understandingof Scripture, then you should not do it. But if, in fact, your conscience tellsyou that you should do it, but there is a reluctance in your heart for variousreasons, then it is not only not wrong for you to do, but it is imperative foryou to do it in obedience to your conscience.

But when you do, you should,knowing the reluctance in your heart, ask the Lord to work and to will in yourheart that you may do all things with sincerity. I believe the Lord will answeryour prayer, and He will bless the labours of your hand when you approach it inthis way.

Therefore, despite your reluctance, seek to attend to the means, confessing to the Lord the dullness of your heart and asking Him to deepen your love for Him and His means. So continue to have fellowship with the saints, confessing to the Lord your desire to be alone, asking him to grant what he commands.

I believe that in the way of obedience, even if it is half-hearted obedience (so long as we recognise it and confess it), we will find the Lord’s blessings. So press on, and soon the Lord will grant you eagles wings to serve Him with true joy.