Wicked Imaginations of Arrogant Dust

There is a leading scientist in the U.K. called Richard Dawkins. He is a very vocal atheist, who takes every opportunity to attack the Christian faith. Of course the media gives him more space than those who hold the opposite view. 

His recent media capture is his intention to support and attend a summer camp for children between the ages of eight and fourteen, which will teach them about atheism. This camp is the first of its kind, and no doubt has been started as competition to church camps. Instead of hymns, it will introduce them to songs such as Paul McCartney's, ‘Imagine.’ The children will be taught to imagine there is no Heaven. But can you imagine a world where children are fed atheistical doctrines? It fills the mind with horror at the consequences of a generation espousing this kind of secular faith. 

Take care then, parents, to bring up your children in the fear and admonition of the Lord. Lovingly directing them in the way that they should go. Permeating their lives with truth, light, and whatsoever things are pure, lovely and good. These things are not imaginary, but achievable. And in due time, they will ascend to a real Heaven, for Christ has said, “I go to prepare a place for you.”