We had our 2-year old granddaughter to stay without her parents for the first time. Considering she was 200 miles from her parents, she adjusted remarkably and was no problem for 5 days. But on watching her, the difference not only in our comparative ages, but also of our history, impressed themselves on me. In my childhood I had been brought up in an age when morality, modesty, integrity and accountability were the norms. An age when divorce was rare and frowned upon; illegitimacy, the consequence of sin; to be gay was to be in a happy spirit; when religion still exerted a force; parents were respected and commanded obedience, and children were children for much longer. I had a touchstone to compare modern times with, a reference point to which I could reflect on what was and now is. But she does not have that comparison. She has been born into this present evil world and age, and is surrounded by its fallen and falling standards, which are now the accepted norms. But thank God, she will have the Bible, the Word of God that endureth for ever. Society’s standards are deteriorating rapidly, but she will have the Scriptures, which are able to make her wise unto salvation. As long as the Bible remains in the earth, its standards will remain unchanging, and will continue to reflect the holiness and morality of God. The statutes of the Lord are right rejoicing the heart.” |
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