We travelled to the South West coast of England to visit our family. Whilst there, and having glorious weather, we decided on the last day to go to a newly opened maze. It was unique in that it was on farmland and made out of a maize crop. A – maz – ing! The maze was very extensive and the path that was within was labyrinthian in its twists, turns, blind alleys and false trails. The maize crop was about two and a half metres high, so that one could only see the blue sky. The four children were dwarfed by the vegetation, but excitedly ran this way and that, looking for the right way. They had flags on long bamboos, which they could lift up if they were lost. If so, then spotters in an elevated position could go in and rescue them. Luckily, our son had a map that helped us a lot. Such is life, everyone following this path or that one, but unable to find the right way. There is none that seeketh after God, they are all gone out of the way. Tragically, they refuse the map, the Bible, which shows that Jesus is the way, the truth and the life. He alone, from His elevated position, can come to our rescue and bring us out of our confusion. By Him we are placed on the straight and narrow way that leads to eternal life. |
Colloquy Cymraeg >