Often the mind is taken up with secondary things, and overlooks the bigger picture, or the important issue. Take, for instance, the Pharisees. They were more concerned about tithing the mint and cumin, rather that the weightier matters of the law. Even as believers, we can allow smaller issues to dictate and dominate our thinking, and leave them cloud greater principles of truth and unity. There is an eastern proverb which runs, “The finger points at the moon, the idiot looks at the finger.” How true that maxim is. We can look at each other rather than to Christ. Look obsessively at a particular doctrine instead of it pointing to Jesus. We can be possessively jealous of our status, our possessions, the comfort of our personal private lives, and take our eyes off the Saviour. Paul had the true vision when he wrote, “Looking unto Jesus, the Author and Finisher of our faith.” Friend, always look at the Sun of Righteousness, the sun being greater than the moon. |
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