When the great revival occurred in Wales from 1737 onwards, two men were notable above the rest of the labourers, Daniel Rowlands and Howell Harris. But though they were flaming meteors at that historical moment, the lesser lights were also doing momentous things. Wales was in a state of desperate ignorance as to education. It had an oral tradition of poetry, music and singing that was second to none, yet ninety per cent of the people were illiterate. But prior to 1737 God raised up in the Established church, a minister called Rev Griffith Jones. A converted man, the plight of his countrymen, spiritually and educationally, lay upon his heart. So between 1737 and 1761 he raised an army of itinerant teachers that taught in the porches of the parish churches. He inaugurated 3,225 schools, in 1600 different locations with 200,000 scholars, old and young, which were half of the then population. One man, under God, can effect tremendous spiritual and social changes. Let us be quick to support such a man, if he has a vision and a burden. |