One of ourgranddaughters has just stayed with us for a week. She is 10, and at that agethe question every day is, “What are we going to do tomorrow?” On one of thedays, the weather being hot, we took her to a farm where there were hawks, andowls, and different kinds of birds, but also it was an archery venue. She joined a group ofabout 8 adults to have instruction, and then to try their skill on the bull’seye targets. Being her first attempt at archery she did very well, and hit thetarget most of the time, and even got a few bull’s eyes. But I noticed thatsome of the adults overshot the target, and the arrows went through theprotective netting into the field behind. This reminded me ofsin and iniquity, which basically means to miss the target, and not hitting themark. We all fall short of the mark, and overshoot God’s standards by ourtransgressions. Thank God that His arrows of conviction never miss, but theypierce our armour of fig leaves. Then it is that we repent, and make a newstart, and aim with more accuracy to live a life pleasing to Him. |
Colloquy Cymraeg >