The surname, Brown, in Scotland, has a great historical and theological pedigree. There was Dr. John Brown of Haddington, who mastered many languages, and taught himself Hebrew and Greek as a twelve-year old shepherd boy, without schooling. He grew to be a luminary in the Scottish church, and was the author of many doctrinal works. In the providence of God he became the head of a dynasty of preachers. Many of his sons, grandsons and great-grandsons reached eminence in pastoral and theological positions in the Church of Christ. There was also Dr. David Brown (no relation), who was a preacher and writer of distinction, and received the plaudits of Spurgeon and Warfield, etc. But this last week, there was news of a Mrs. Brown in Scotland. She, at ninety-one, is remarkable for borrowing and reading 25,000 books from her local libraries, having started in 1946. Withdrawing books, twelve at a time, she continues to do so in her ripe old age. Paul’s encouragement to Timothy was, “Give yourself to reading.” Whether public or personal, it matters not. We, as Christians, should devour the theological works of the past, and fill ourselves with heavenly matter. Yet above this, the Bible should be our meat and drink, hiding the Word of God in our hearts, that we may not sin against Him. |
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