Attitude, Aptitude & Altitude

There are more people than ever in the U.K. seeking places in universities. Whilst that is a welcome trait, it does have a serious drawback. That is, there are insufficient jobs to suit the qualifications of graduates. The highest stratas of management are limited, and so the field has drastically reduced. More and more graduates have to take lesser paid jobs outside of their particular fields of learning. Employers are even turning away graduates because they are too well qualified for the vacancies. It has been estimated that it takes three and a half years to find a suitable occupation, commensurate to their qualifications. 

But there are those who make it because of their attitude. And that is the key to fulfilling one’s ambition. It is attitude, not aptitude that brings altitude. In order to rise, then be wise in your attitude. 

So it is in the Christian experience. It is not what you know, your aptitude, but how you use and apply that knowledge. Expressing your faith by a clear Christian attitude. Such an attitude will eventually gain altitude. It will take you to Heaven, and you can’t get higher than that.